Wednesday 23 March 2011

Houses on one side and the sea on the other

I was riding in my car, across a winding road with large grand houses on one side, and the lapping sea on the other. I swear I have been there before, but it was all in a dream.

... and with such imagery in my head, I didn't want to wake up.

Friday 18 March 2011


I am grateful and frustrated at the same time. If only I had dedicate my heart, my hands, my love to painting, where would I be now?

Monday 14 March 2011

The gum was in my mouth

We stood there stealing glimpses at each other. Either of us too proud?, afraid? to see read what was exactly written on each other's face. Our mouths moved round and round in circles, chewing the piece of gum that had been chewed for the past hour. I could feel the residue of the rubber sticking to my teeth.

A strange sequence of events occurred, an one that was all so familiar.

As we stood there, a group of journalists flooded into the small room. Lights, microphones scurried across my vision. Now, I could only catch Pedro in bits. He is still looking down, shooting small glimpses my way.

Then, before I knew it, like always, I see him walking across the window and out of my life. Like every other time. This time, the gum in my mouth have tied my speech. I could no longer call out to him. That was when I woke up.

My feet touching the ground

Like a reality TV show that is not a reality TV show. Sending us out in the wilderness, into the forest...

I remember my feet touching the ground, the drying mud. I haven't quite freed myself from the nervousness of seeing the mud seep through my toe nails, or in between my toes. Feeling the mud is a different story. With my eyes closed and unbounded by the knowledge of what is actually tainting my sheltered feet, is a joy like no other.

I had joined what was seemingly a pretentious program to get the city away from the girl, namely myself. In my second visit, never did I realised that my feet would have such a revelatory experience!

A desire within a dream.