Monday 21 February 2011

I started knitting

For two months, I told Mattia that I would knit him a scarf. This turned out a success! It was an electric blue, shy little thing. I curled at the sides, fearing of revealing its scaly back. Oh, how silly!

He was beautiful! I googled through millions and millions of posts to find out how I can get him to come out of its little shell... I tried and tried and had no luck!

Oh alas! This didn't stop me. I then rendered myself a mad knitter and embark on further searches for mittens patterns, and wooly stores in London. And here she comes...!

She is the messy little swirls in my head that is now slowly, but surely becoming my new scarf. 

I kept telling myself that knitting was my therapy. It lets me feel as though I have not wasted my life away because an incredible number of hours have already been devoted to this little beast. Little brown beast around my neck. To keep me almost hidden from the world. God love winter for its massive wears, enabling me to hide myself as I trawl along the streets.

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